


I love this quote and have been saying it over and over to myself. All we can do is react with the knowledge that we have at the time and move forward with what we know. We can’t regret the decisions we’ve made in the past.

You did the best you could with what you knew at the time. Don’t let new wisdom lead you to condemn yourself over old struggles. Forgive yourself and move forward.

~ Morgan Richard Olivier

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Many times in relationships we are this is me, take it or leave it. Although I believe that is true to an extent, I also believe that we can change for each other if we are willing to let go of our toxic traits, hear each other out, and change together to make the relationship stronger.

My current relationship has taught me that there’s no such thing as “this is who I am, take it or leave it”. When you truly love a person, you work on your toxic traits, you learn to communicate, you LISTEN when your partner expresses their feelings.


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

As you know I am a Yes Woman. Therefore, I get myself into all kinds of jobs and I have yet to figure out how to make any supplemental income doing them. So here we go again. Another transformation. I decided to work with a friend, Taylor Beckett, as a travel agent. I have had my travel agent number for a while, but I am hoping, under his leadership, I can figure out how to earn trips for my hubby and me and discover some great deals for my family and friends. So follow me on Instagram and email me if you need help planning your next trip!

(Here is a link to his new book about becoming a travel advisor if you are interested.)

Because of this new opportunity, I started updating my LinkedIn profile, which has not been updated in about six years. I started following a page that gives daily inspiration. I read a post the other day, and I had to share parts of it with you. If you’d like to read the whole article click here.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Your journey, your story, is uniquely yours. When you wake up each morning, remind yourself that you are the author of your own narrative. The words of others are like the wind – they can push you back or propel you forward, but only if you raise your sails. Choose to raise them towards positivity, towards growth and self-belief. Let the winds of opinions swirl around you, but never let them steer your course. You are stronger than you realize, capable of weathering any storm with resilience and courage. Stand tall, dear reader, and know that in the vast landscape of life, your voice, your choices, and your actions are what truly define you. Embrace this truth, and watch as you transform not just your own life, but also become a beacon of inspiration for those around you. Let’s embark on this journey together, with hearts full of hope and minds brimming with the power of choice. (Taken from the Leadership-Daily Inspiration post).”

I thought this article was amazing. We are so filled with self-doubt, and we let the words of others impact our self-perception. But we need to remember we do not need to listen to those opinions. There is a difference between constructive criticism and making yourself better, and hurtful words and opinions that can tear you down. Choose what you listen to and choose your transformation.

I’ve said it over and over: we cannot control the words or actions of others. All we can control is our reaction to those words or actions. We can hear them and tuck them away or we can let it destroy us. We can move on from the person’s actions, or we can let it pull us down a deep dark tunnel.

Let’s learn to make that transformation from seeing the negative to believing the positive. We have a choice each morning. Are we going to wake up and thank God for what we have: a roof over our heads, a loving family, great friends, a working automobile, and our ability to walk, to talk, to move? Or are we going to wake up pissed off because there are clouds outside our window, the dog needs to be taken out, and our friend didn’t call us back?

Seriously, my friends, life happens. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. We all could list the negative things we’ve been through every day. We can rehash the past events of loss, death, cruel words, insecurities, and self-doubt. Or we can dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening (which is how I sing Dreams!) and count our blessings. Let’s remember we only have one life (that we know of). And it is short. How do we want to live it?

What we need to do is stop comparing our lives to others.  Life is too short to be upset that your friend has a nicer car or a bigger house or more money. Does it really matter? None of this materialistic stuff is going with us at the end. So live within your means, take the trips, make the memories, and live your best life for YOU!

Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Traveling is a passion of mine. I have wanted to see the world for as long as I can remember. My sister and I traveled to Poland together in 2008. My goals are to get to all 50 states by age 50, get to all seven continents, and see as many countries as possible. I am on my way having been to 44 states, 20 countries, and three continents. If you have questions about traveling please let me know! I would be happy to help as I am a licensed travel advisor, and I’d love to send you on your next journey! Follow me on Instagram!

Traveling is not a luxury, but an investment in yourself. Every journey is a deposit into the bank of personal growth, so invest in your soul, and the world will pay dividends in wonder and joy.

~ unknown

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Why do we find it so easy to blame others? We blame others for our unhappiness. We blame them for our broken hearts. We blame them for our empty bank accounts. We determine it must be someone else’s fault because it can’t be our own. It’s so easy to say they didn’t visit so I am sad. They didn’t call me to say I’m sorry, so now I am upset. They didn’t ask me to come to the party so they must not like me, so now I am disappointed.

eeyoreYes, it is very easy to blame others when things don’t go our way. But let’s stop and take responsibility for our actions. Let’s ask ourselves about our behavior. Why am I unhappy? Why is my bank account empty? Why don’t people want to be around me? Am I a person who brings light and happiness into the room? Or do I walk in with a dark cloud over me like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? Let’s ask ourselves which type of person we are and if others want to be around that type of person. Everyone is dealing with their own personal demons. Let’s be a light for each other.

Depression is a very real disease, and I am not discounting those feelings. But steps can be taken. We can ask for help. We can try therapy. We can read uplifting books. We can search for helpful articles to change our Mindset. We can work hard to change our negative view into a positive one. I believe we can take steps to pull ourselves out of the darkness and into the light. I know it’s hard to see it when you are down but you have to push through.

When bad things happen we immediately want to find someone to blame. We are upset and mad and need someone to take it out on. When most of the time it is not anyone’s fault. It is a bad thing that happened and we cannot go back and undo that action. All we can do is control OUR reaction to it.

I understand how we react with our hearts and emotions instead of with a deep breath and logic. We fly off the handle and usually make the terrible situation worse. Life happens. And sometimes we need to try to remember that it really is no one’s fault. Accidents happen. I don’t believe that people mean for others to get hurt. But does blaming others help? The incident happened. The action has been done. There is no one to blame. Let’s try to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive one. And let’s move on.

Many times we feel hurt because of what is going on inside of us. And many times we project things also because of what is going on inside of us. We need to fix ourselves first instead of blaming others.

When bad things happen let’s take a deep breath. Let’s think is this going to matter in five years? How much of an impact will it have on my life? Is it my situation to get involved in? If I were on the other side of the situation, how would I want that person to react? I think back to when I was single and dating, I would get so upset if a guy didn’t like me. I was crushed and thought I would never find someone. After an emotional breakdown, I had some amazing friends who would help me to think positively (Thank you LP, JW, and MA!). They would help me to see that we were two good people but not good together. They helped me see that God had a plan and that all these missteps would lead me to some bigger and better love. (And it took 10 years but it happened!) Sometimes we need to talk ourselves through bad situations. Sometimes we need some amazing friends who support us. And sometimes we need to let go of the hate and the blame.

Let’s ask ourselves if the hate we pour onto someone else is worth it. Do they deserve it? Is it really hurting them or are we just hurting ourselves with these pent-up negative emotions? If we let go of that person and the blame then can we feel better? Can we logically get past the situation? Can we learn to love this person or let them go? So many times a terrible situation can lead to something bigger and better. It is just very hard to see when we are in the middle of it. Let’s try to look forward and not backward.

It is hard. It is extremely hard not to react with emotion. But we need to try to take the situation and say the incident happened. Now what? How do I get through it? How do I make it better? Is there anything positive to see? Let’s stop the blame game and take responsibility for our actions and our situations. Let’s let go of the hate. I don’t believe it hurts anyone but ourselves.

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Too many times we are coerced into visiting family or friends. Sometimes people make you feel guilty that you don’t visit often enough. But let us remember they can visit you, too! Let’s live this life without guilt. Do what you feel is best for you and live a happy life.

Don’t let people guilt you for not visiting them. They’re not visiting you either.


Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Happy Birthday, America! Celebrate the red, white, and blue!

This is the week to celebrate America’s birthday and our independence! Sometimes I think we take for granted the freedoms we have been granted here in America. Let’s remember our forefathers who fought so hard for our Independence, who believed in this country, and who wanted all citizens to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

“I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.”

– Wendell L. Wilkie

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

As you read in one of my recent posts, several people have said they live vicariously through us. They love seeing our pictures and our adventures, and they can’t wait to see where we will be going next. Most people wonder where we get the energy. And sometimes I wonder that myself!

on the boat

At my #LEGS Christmas party a friend of mine said, “I love seeing all your pictures. You have the “perfect” life.” I was flattered, but I hope everyone knows our life is not perfect. No one’s life is perfect. And what is perfect anyway?

I do have to say that our life is “perfect” for us. We are lucky because we both love the crazy, gypsy, never-home lifestyle we lead. If one of us was a homebody, it wouldn’t work. If one of us was an introvert, it wouldn’t work. But we love being on the go. We love seeing new places and trying new things. We love our homes that we are blessed to have. We also have amazing friends and family that make the places we visit feel like “home.”

I am flattered that people have told me they love our lives, and they are happy for us. We work hard to be able to play hard. We work hard at our marriage to make it work. We communicate with each other to make sure we are on the same page. Of course, we have disagreements and sometimes we lose patience and get annoyed with one another. But we know that marriage is hard, and we want to make sure each other’s buckets are full (Read the post “The Five Love Languages” if you don’t know what I am talking about). Therefore, we need to check in and make sure both of us are enjoying where we are, what we are doing, and where we are going. Unpacking and repacking a few days later can strain a marriage. Being out of our workout and eating routine can also be frustrating. We realize our eating habits must be on point while we are running around.

My Valentine and I just celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. Every year we have been together, I have made an 8×8 photo book of our year in review from Snapfish. Usually, the books are about 50 pages long. This year we had so many adventures and so much fun it was almost 90 pages!! I guess I took a lot of pictures and didn’t want to leave anything out. Going through the photographs of the past year was eye-opening. Remembering all the good times and the special memories with the people we love was amazing. I enjoy making these books because they make me go back and review our year. What did we do? Who did we meet? Who did we spend time with? Where did we go? It’s wonderful to look at all the pictures and live it again vicariously.

Our life is not for everyone. Yes, it may look amazing on Facebook and other social media as do a lot of people’s lives. But remember social media isn’t always true. Most of the time, people are putting on a front. They want others to think their life is “perfect“. They want others to believe they are happy and have no problems. We don’t truly know what’s going on in other people’s lives so give people grace. And PLEASE DON’T COMPARE your life to theirs. Everyone is on their own journey.

on the plane

As I said our life is “perfect” for us. It’s what we have chosen. Some people don’t want to unpack and repack in the same week. Some people hate packing altogether. Some people don’t want to race from gate to gate to try to catch a standby flight. Some people don’t want to be away from the gym or their home for an extended period. Some people don’t want to go out of their comfort zone or out of their hometown. And guess what? That is okay. Our life is not for everyone. Whatever you choose for your life, make it perfect for YOU!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy