


Merry Christmas my Friends!

I hope you have an amazing Christmas day with friends and family! I didn’t want to leave you out in the cold (:)) without a little winter workout!

This one is done like the 12 days of Christmas. You start with 1. Then do 2 then 1. Then do 3, 2, and 1. Work up until you do 12 all the way down to 1. Here are the moves.

  1. Push-up (knees or toes)
  2. High Knees
  3. Standing abs (each side) reach and pull leg up
  4. Cossack squat (side to side)
  5. Jump Squats
  6. Butt Kicks
  7. Jumping Jacks
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Sumo Squats
  10. Lunges
  11. Squat Pulses
  12. Burpees

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Last year I wrote a post called “Letter from Above.” A friend told me I should republish it every year around the holidays so I thought I would remind you to check it out. Click on the link above and it will take you back to my letter. I hope it gives you a sense of peace as we embark on this holiday season. Even though the holidays are a beautiful time of year, they also can be very painful for some people who have suffered severe loss. I hope that you have the support you need to get through this season with a smile on your beautiful face and a light of hope in your heart.

As I was wasting time on Facebook the other day, I saw this letter that someone else shared. I also kept the links that will take you to their pages. I thought both of these women were very inspirational. I hope you take some time to scroll through their pages. Just reading a few of their posts made me feel better about myself, my journey, and the losses I have suffered. I hope they do the same for you.

A love letter from those who have passed on…
Take the love you have for me
And radiate it outwards
Allowing it to touch and impact others
Take the memory you have of me
And use it as a source of inspiration
To live fully, meaningfully and intentionally
Take the image you have of me in your mind
And allow it to fuel you
To take action
Seize the day
And be reminded of what is most important in life
Take the care you have for me
And let it remind you
To care for yourself fully
And shower yourself with your own love
And take the pain and grief you feel
Following my loss
And alchemize it into
Love, compassion and beauty
Build a castle
From the wreckage of my passing
And allow it to unlock your greatness and potential
And empower you to become more than you ever thought you were capable of being
And know that I can never truly leave you
And will always remain beside you
Watching over you in spirit
And that the love I have for you lives on
Through the connections you form
The kindness and compassion you share
And the future relationships and friendships you cultivate.
And until we are one day reunited
I will remain with you
Through the storms and chaos of life
And am always beside you
Walking with you, laughing with you, crying with you and smiling with you
And I am proud of you for being strong
I am proud of you for being brave
And I am proud of you for being you.
Words by Tahlia Hunter

I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Happy, Happy New Year!

Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

This says it all. Let the people who don’t appreciate you or your worth go. You don’t need to be pulled down in other’s drama. Keep your head high and let them lose you.

You need to let people lose you.

Let them go along with the crowd.

Let them believe what they want to believe.

Let them think they have better.

Let them sleep on your worth.

Because in due time

they will realize the mistake they made,

And it will be just enough time for you

to accept that you’re better off without them.

~ Morgan Richard Olivier

Photo by Deborah L Carlson on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

A friend sent this prayer to me years ago. Just a little reminder that we are not perfect. We are doing the best we can. And there is something higher than us doing work on us as we go through this life.

Father, I thank you for accepting me as I am. I may not be perfect but You know I am trying my best and I am going out today with my head held high, knowing that You are in the process of changing me.

~ unknown

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

After leaving our summer home on October 22 and traveling to Richmond and staying in Wilmington, NC for a month then going back to Richmond for the Thanksgiving holiday and then back to Wilmington and then to South Carolina I am FINALLY HOME! And it feels so good.

Our home in Florida is amazing. It’s paradise. There is nothing like our backyard. The morning sunrises are absolutely breathtaking, hence why my Prince and I got married at 8:30 in the morning! Lately, we have been wondering why we are never here when we have such an amazing place to be.

home backyard wedding

Driving in yesterday was a different feel. We usually acknowledge things that are different after we’ve been gone for the summer. Usually, new buildings have gone up or new stoplights have been installed. Yesterday, I noticed how the downtown marina is still not there. How the boats are piled upon the shore. How there are still sticks, palm fronds, and household contents along the curb all the way home. It seems they are working so hard but there is so much “stuff” to clean up after Hurrican Ian. It gives me a sense of hope but also a sense of how much damage was done, and it makes me sad.

home our street

It makes me wonder how long it will take to clean up and rebuild Fort Myers. When we came down for 11 days for Hurricane Ian cleanup, we mostly stayed around our neighborhood. It was great to see such community and to get to know our neighbors better as we were all out helping each other. We have not been down to the beach area yet, and although I have seen pictures, I know it’s going to be devastating to see it in person.

Well, Fort Myers, we are strong, and we will be back bigger and better than ever! For now, I count my blessings that we have a beautiful home to enjoy. I am beyond blessed that I have a bed to sleep in and a beautiful view to wake up to.

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

We wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for all of my friends and family especially the new ones that have joined us this year through all of our adventures. After so many years of loss, I am excited to add new people to our circle. This year take a moment to appreciate what you have. Yes, there may be very hard days and sometimes we don’t understand all the evil around us or why it happens. I guess it’s not for us to understand. I guess all we can do is pass on kindness. Pass on the positive. Pass on love. Tell someone you are thankful for having them in your life. Tell someone you haven’t talked to in years that you still think about them and hope they are doing well.

But before you go to stuff yourself like the Thanksgiving turkey 🙂 take a few minutes to get your blood flowing with this Thanksgiving workout. There is never a wrong time to start eating more healthily or to start a fitness journey. You don’t need to wait until the new year to make a new you! Start now!

Also, as you start your Black Friday shopping or your Cyper Monday spending, don’t forget about my associate links. I would truly appreciate it if you would buy through the links on my blog post or through my Favorites. Happy Shopping!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend. I am blessed to be able to spend it with my family and all of my favorite little ones before heading south for the winter. Thank you for your support in reading this blog and sharing it with your friends. And thank you for always being there for me, especially my Rock. These past few years would not have been possible without all of your love and support. Happy Thanksgiving!!

thanksgiving me and jeff

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Take the time this Thanksgiving to be grateful for the life you have, for the memories you’ve made, and for the family and friends you have. Then realize life has its up and downs but it’s yours to LIVE!

Life isn’t meant to be easy, it’s meant to be LIVED. Sometimes happy, other times rough…But with every up and down you learn lessons that make you STRONG!

~ unknown

Photo by Ann on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy