After leaving our summer home on October 22 and traveling to Richmond and staying in Wilmington, NC for a month then going back to Richmond for the Thanksgiving holiday and then back to Wilmington and then to South Carolina I am FINALLY HOME! And it feels so good.
Our home in Florida is amazing. It’s paradise. There is nothing like our backyard. The morning sunrises are absolutely breathtaking, hence why my Prince and I got married at 8:30 in the morning! Lately, we have been wondering why we are never here when we have such an amazing place to be.

Driving in yesterday was a different feel. We usually acknowledge things that are different after we’ve been gone for the summer. Usually, new buildings have gone up or new stoplights have been installed. Yesterday, I noticed how the downtown marina is still not there. How the boats are piled upon the shore. How there are still sticks, palm fronds, and household contents along the curb all the way home. It seems they are working so hard but there is so much “stuff” to clean up after Hurrican Ian. It gives me a sense of hope but also a sense of how much damage was done, and it makes me sad.

It makes me wonder how long it will take to clean up and rebuild Fort Myers. When we came down for 11 days for Hurricane Ian cleanup, we mostly stayed around our neighborhood. It was great to see such community and to get to know our neighbors better as we were all out helping each other. We have not been down to the beach area yet, and although I have seen pictures, I know it’s going to be devastating to see it in person.
Well, Fort Myers, we are strong, and we will be back bigger and better than ever! For now, I count my blessings that we have a beautiful home to enjoy. I am beyond blessed that I have a bed to sleep in and a beautiful view to wake up to.