Merry Christmas my Friends!

I hope you have an amazing Christmas day with friends and family! I didn’t want to leave you out in the cold (:)) without a little winter workout!

This one is done like the 12 days of Christmas. You start with 1. Then do 2 then 1. Then do 3, 2, and 1. Work up until you do 12 all the way down to 1. Here are the moves.

  1. Push-up (knees or toes)
  2. High Knees
  3. Standing abs (each side) reach and pull leg up
  4. Cossack squat (side to side)
  5. Jump Squats
  6. Butt Kicks
  7. Jumping Jacks
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Sumo Squats
  10. Lunges
  11. Squat Pulses
  12. Burpees

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

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