


I am sure everyone out there has one pet peeve or another. According to the online Dictionary, a pet peeve is “something that a particular person finds especially annoying.” My pet peeve is people leaving their shopping carts all over the parking lot.

shopping cart in middle of lot

I am not sure why, but when I see a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot, up on a curb, or anywhere other than in the return cart area, I get so mad. It seriously drives me bonkers. I don’t understand why we as Americans are so lazy that we cannot take a cart back to the store that we literally just walked out of. Is it going to cost you that much time? Can you not walk 20 feet to return the cart to a safe place? Seriously, you just walked out of the store. You can’t walk back in?

Whenever we park and I see a cart in a random place, I take it in with me or to the return cart area. Personally, I don’t want a gust of wind to take that cart and run it into my car or someone else’s. Do people not think of these things? Do they not care about their automobiles or those of others? I don’t have many pet peeves but this one drives me nuts.

Our neighbor came home from Home Depot recently and told us a shopping cart had hit his truck. He happens to be a dent repair specialist so he will be able to repair his automobile. But what about others who are not as lucky? I blame the individual who left the cart first and foremost, but I also blame Home Depot. They do not have a lot of safe places for people to return their carts to especially further away from the store. I mean why not put rails up to keep customers’ cars and trucks safe?

I do need to give kudos to Kroger. They have return carts areas about every five parking spaces. I understand this does cut down on parking spots, but I was relieved that my blood pressure didn’t skyrocket because of carts in random places because they were all safely in the return cart area!

It helps a little when the person at least secures the cart on a curb, but it drives me crazy when it’s four parking spots away from the return cart area!!! For example, these two carts are on the curb and the cart return is right on the other side of that truck. FIVE spaces away.

carts on curbs

Anyway, whatever your pet peeve is I hope you find a way to get through it. I know it’s hard because my blood does boil when I see this. I try to give the person the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the person was injured or had an emergency and didn’t have 48 seconds to return their cart. I try to put good karma out there by taking as many random carts as I can back to the proper area. I hope this will inspire other people to do the same and maybe we can curb this random cart pet peeve of mine!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy


I posted recently about What we do at Home. This post is about how we eat and what we do on the Road. Because we are Never Home, we tend to eat out more than we would like to. Therefore, we have to be mindful and make good choices. If we happen to be staying at a place with a kitchen we will buy food and cook breakfast at home. Sometimes lunch and dinner too, depending on our situation.

My Love has to eat out more than I do. When he goes on a work trip he has to eat out for all of his meals including the catering on the plane. He has to make a conscious effort to eat as well as he can when he’s gone. When he orders his meals on the plane he will order eggs for breakfast, fish and veggies for dinner, or choose from a few other options. He doesn’t eat the bread or the dessert that comes with the meal. He will get a salad and a fresh fruit when he can. He takes protein bars and nuts with him to snack on. Eating on the road can be hard but good choices can be made.

When we eat out we have to make the effort to choose wisely from the menu. Salads with protein, fish and veggies, omelets with fruit instead of bread. We will split sandwiches sometimes. We will order chicken or hamburgers without the buns. There are little things you can do to make the meals a little bit healthier for you. We don’t order French fries. We don’t order desserts. We rarely order anything deep-fried. But that is us and that is how try to stay in shape with our gypsy lifestyle.

When we fly we almost always bring a bag of food with us. Usually, we have several baggies full of pulled-off chicken breast, homemade turkey/chicken sausages, fruit, nuts, and protein bars. Remember, you can bring your water bottle and refill it after you pass through security. You can also bring food and protein powder in your carry-on luggage. Just make sure it’s not liquid such as hummus or yogurt over the 3-ounce limit. Just know they may pull your bag to check out the food and protein powder, but it’s worth it to take healthy meals on the road.

This is how we do what we do on the road. Our lifestyle isn’t for everyone. We are gypsies and we love it! We also love being in shape and eating as clean as possible. Therefore, as much as we are “on vacation” we rarely eat like we are “on vacation”.

Of course, there is a time and place for everything. Please don’t think that we NEVER eat wings, ice cream, French fries, or pizza. We had pizza for breakfast at my sister-in-law’s over Christmas and took our friends to our favorite ice cream shop The Love Boat. We do enjoy our treats but certainly not every week and sometimes not even every month. I’d say we eat those things a few times a year. And to us we are satisfied.

Anyway, there is always a choice, a good choice, a better choice, and the best choice. For example, let’s say you decide to go to McDonald’s. The choice is a Big Mac and fries. A good choice is a grilled chicken sandwich without the bun or a fruit smoothie and then add your protein powder. A better choice would be a salad with balsamic vinaigrette. And the best choice is don’t go to McDonald’s 🙂

There are always substitutes or omissions. You can always say no bread, you don’t need to order fries, you can have fruit instead of a muffin, and you can add almond milk to your coffee instead of sugary creamers. There are ALWAYS options. You just have to ask for them and sometimes pay for them. The catch is people think eating clean and healthy is expensive. And yes, maybe it is a few dollars more. But let’s think if you don’t make healthy more expensive choices now, you may “pay” for it later when with hospital bills, heart attacks, or loss of a job, etc.

I hope this helps as there is a way to eat healthy while you are on the road and away from home. One other piece of advice is to limit your frequency of fast foods and soft drinks. The only fast food restaurant we go to when we are on the road and don’t have time to sit down and go somewhere local is Chick-fil-A. We get a chicken sandwich or nuggets and no fries and no milkshake. The only drinks we drink are coffee, water, and club soda with our tequila. If we need an energy drink, we drink Celsius or Bang. We believe that bread is one of the most fattening food items. Most American breads are filled with loads of sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

There you have it. Life is all about making choices and these are some of ours.

Photo by About Maps on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Here’s a little workout you can do anytime during the 12 Days of Christmas. This workout can be done at home or in the gym. Get a head start on your New Year’s commitment of getting in shape!


Equipment Needed

*Remember all equipment is optional and there are several substitutions you can use for “weight”

  • dumbbell
  • kettlebell
  • ab mat

The Workout

In today’s workout, you will start with one movement and add on each round. So in this case, you will start with 1 seal jack. The next round would be 2 thrusters and 1 seal jack. The next round is 3 push-ups, 2 thrusters, and 1 seal jack. Then 4 step-ups, 3 push-ups, 2 thrusters, and 1 seal jack. And it goes on until you work your way from 12 down to 1. The movements are:

  1. seal jack
  2. thrusters
  3. push-ups
  4. step-ups
  5. bicep curls
  6. kettlebell swings
  7. sit up or crunch
  8. rows
  9. jumping jacks
  10. lunges
  11. tricep dips
  12. burpees

How to Do the Moves

Message me if you need help understanding the moves. Also, feel free to change the moves and make this workout work for you!

Don’t forget to warm-up. Make this workout work for you! Don’t be afraid to switch some of the exercises around to meet your needs.

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Happy Birthday, America! Today, we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Our forefathers fought for our freedoms and today we recognize our lucky we are to live in the United States of America.

Most of us will celebrate by having the day off of work. We will eat hamburgers and hot dogs because that’s the American way. We will probably have a beer or two to celebrate the day off and the freedom we have to have a beer anytime we want to.

For the past two years, my Prince and I celebrated July 4th with friends on Lake Anna in Virginia. They have a wonderful fireworks display every year, and we were blessed enough to be out on a boat looking up at these amazing lights.

independence day flag and fireworks

This year we also spent the holiday weekend on the water. Our friends took us out on their boat Saturday and out on jet skies on Sunday. This time we were in the great state of Wisconsin. We got to experience the water of Green Bay and saw the vastness of Lake Michigan. It is amazing how big the Great Lakes are.

independence day jet ski

The shoreline around Green Bay was amazing. It was full of rocks, limestone, cliffs and beautiful houses. My Rock and I had a great time on the water. I had not been on water skies in over 30 years, but I was able to pop right up! It makes me appreciate our lifestyle. We try to eat well and stay in shape (make sure you check out my recipes and workouts) so that we can do these activities even if we only get the opportunity once every few years!

Overall, our time in Green Bay was pretty amazing. We saw some great sunsets, had some good laughs, and spent some quality time with friends. We saw Egg Harbor, Door County, Fish Creek, as well as other stops along the way. Thank you friends for the wonderful weekend!

sunset in wisconsin

If you haven’t heard, last Thursday we started our trek out west where we will spend some time in Park City, Utah. We spent Thursday night in Chicago and then the weekend in Green Bay. Yesterday, we drove to Lincoln, Nebraska where we saw fireworks going off all along the water. The displays went on forever. Today, we will continue our drive and celebrate our independence somewhere in Wyoming. Hopefully we can find a wonderful fireworks display tonight.

Nebraska state sign

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday! Celebrate and appreciate the independence that we have.

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy


I am blessed with an array of wonderful girlfriends in my life. Many of them I have known since elementary school. We keep in touch regularly and see each other often. Even though our lives took very different paths after high school graduation, we managed to keep in touch over the years. After I moved back home to take care of Gram, my friendship with them have become stronger. Yes, there are periods of time when we talk or text every day, but then there are weeks and even months when we don’t. Yet we pick right up where we left off every time. Over the past seven years, we have made every effort to spend time together over the summer and now we are planning trips with and without our husbands. Our girls’ weekends are some of the best!

high school girlfriends

When I went to college, I found another group of amazing women. There were about 14 of us who connected right away during our freshmen year. There are about six to eight of us that still keep in touch and try to see each other as often as possible. I have been able to connect with four of them on a regular basis who are still around my hometown and one who I reconnected with just last summer! I am hoping one of these days we can take the trip that we always talked about and more of us can get together. I know it will instantly be like the good ole days of college when we do.

college girlfriends

When I moved back home to take care of Gram and started CrossFit, I met more amazing women at the gym. Most of these women are badasses. They lift heavy but have the kindest hearts. Although this girlfriend group is newer, I feel very close to all of them but especially about six to eight of them. We see each other every summer and many of them come to visit us in Florida. Some of us have children and some do not but we all manage to make time for each other.

girlfriends from the gym

I also have many friends whom I met in Virginia. Many I still get to see when I go to visit my family while others have moved away, and I get to connect with them in other states. These women were with me through thick and thin during the 16 years I was in RVA. Even though I don’t always get to see these girlfriends when I am in town, they know they are always on my mind and will always be in my heart.

girlfriends RVA

I also have been very lucky to meet amazing women through my husband and his friends. I get to see these girls a few times a year on our ski trips. We ski, we dance, we laugh, we vent on the ski lift, and share our stories and our doubts. We are from all over the United States yet we share many things in common. So many of us in this group share our self-doubt of just learning how to ski and not being comfortable on the mountain. Many of us share our desire to travel and see other ski resorts and other places in the world. Many of us share our stories of being involved in the airline industry. Even though I met these women in my forties, I feel we have a bond and have connected in a way that will last a very long time even when our ski trips are over.

girlfriends ski week

I have also been blessed in meeting women through my marriage. Even though I lost my sister almost five years ago, I have gained three sisters and two cousins (who I consider sisters:)) on Jeff’s side of the family. Although we don’t live in the same states and don’t always get together for holidays we get together as often as possible, usually when Jeff and I are traveling up and down the east coast. When we do get together, we laugh until all hours of the night. I know that I can call any of them if something is on my mind, and they will offer their best advice. It’s also nice to vent to these girlfriends about my Prince because they know his quirks sometimes better than I do.

family sisters

These groups of girlfriends are just the tip of the iceberg. Somehow Jeff and I have wonderful friend groups and through those groups, I have been blessed to develop amazing friendships with the ladies. These few groups are just portions of the amazing girlfriends I have met over the years. Through my closest friends, I have met their girlfriends and through them other girlfriends. And even if you are not in these pictures you are in my heart.

friends for yearsI tell you these things because these women are like family to me, especially my best friend who has been with me through it all. These girlfriends have been there for me when my dad died, when my sister passed, and when sweet gram left us. They helped take care of Gram so that I could have time off. They send me messages of encouragement when they know I might be having a hard day. They lift me up when I am down.

These women are my heart and soul. They always say you can pick your friends although you can’t pick your family. I am beyond blessed with having picked these women in my life and them choosing me back.  I hope that if you don’t have supportive family members or if you have lost your support system, you have friends who you consider family. I hope you have amazing girlfriends in your life you can rely on. And I hope you know it’s never too late to develop a meaningful bond with a great friend.

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

As you have read, My Rock and I go skiing once a month from December through April. On these ski weeks, most of the airlines compete by racing down the mountain on skis or a snowboard. Although our team does not race, we enjoy the spirit of friendship and fun that occurs throughout the week. We like to ski together and relax on the mountain.

Each week NAASF gives awards to the racers in different levels and spirit trophy events. At the end of every season, they give the most important and prestigious award called the “Spirit of NAASF Award”. This award goes to someone who exemplifies the passion for skiing as well as the spirit of friendship and camaraderie. The winner gets a plague as well as a HUGE trophy to display for the year. My Valentine received over 13 nominations for the award and was given the award at Palisades in March 2022. Here are just a few excerpts from those nominations.

  1. In 2013, Jeff, our team president, took over the reins of this club and made it his personal goal to expand the club’s presence at the NAASF events. Although we may not take the racing events too seriously, we all love the snow, camaraderie, happy hour, and costume parties at these events. It takes an extreme amount of his personal time to coordinate events, members, lodging, dues, etc. He has grown the group from 1 participant to a huge mailing list, and many active participants (142 on the mailing list!!!).  We even now have a logo, team flag, team uniforms, and patches.
  2. team uniforms
  3. I nominate Jeff for having grown his club from one person in 2013 to now 120 members on the email roster and usually 20 to 30 showing up at each event. They are now rocking their second club gear and look awesome all thanks to Jeff. Jeff promotes friendship across the airline clubs like no other. Always invites, never excludes. Jeff has shown time and again how to act like a gentleman and sets a great example for all of us to follow.
  4. I would like to nominate Jeff, President of the Ski and Snowboard Team, for the Spirit of NAASF Award. Jeff has put an incredible amount of time into building the team and is always trying to increase our presence at NAASF events. He also has put out quite a lot of his personal cash to put together a team uniform recently, and now we finally have a team “look”. For our newer members, Jeff puts a lot of time into increasing awareness of all the NAASF events and is always working increase participation. He also shows a lot of energy and team spirit toward trying to be very creative and involved in the costume parties, which I believe is one of the best events at NAASF events. He truly embodies the Spirit of NAASF with his dedication to the team, love of snow, and the joy he takes in our events, friendship, and memories.
  5. costume parties
  6. I would like to Nominate Jeff for the Spirit Award. Jeff has been an amazing leader and friend to the ski club.  He has made our club a family.  He works tirelessly to plan the logistics of our wonderful experiences. Please accept my highest recommendation for Captain Jeff for this award.
  7. I’d like to take a minute to nominate Jeff for the Spirit of NAASF award.  This is my first year with the Ski/Ride Team, however, I spent several years riding with another airline. In the short time I’ve known Jeff, I’ve been beyond impressed with the time and energy he puts into his position as the President of the team. From coordinating our new gear, coordinating lodging, promoting the theme parties, supporting us newcomers in our first races, etc. The list goes on and on. Starting out basically by himself to growing our club to where it is now is very admirable. He loves NAASF, his teammates, and all of our other airline colleagues.  I couldn’t think of somebody more deserving of this award.
  8. Jeff is always looking for ways to bring people together, planning enthusiastically with United and Delta club captains for coaching and team-building at Copper before the season begins, and bringing his club with full force and high style once NAASF starts (remember the Dallas Cowboys and the Jamaican bobsledders?) Jeff’s love of camaraderie and fellowship at the apres-ski is legendary – he’s quick to include a newcomer in a circle of seasoned friends at a table, or bridge the gap of years away by recounting a great story about a returning member.  A true sportsman, Jeff often roots for the underdog, and under his leadership, the racing squad is starting to grow, in turn enriching the racing experience for everyone.  His work to develop new uniforms has raised our club’s visibility on the mountain and fostered team spirit.  Maybe the easiest way to see how Jeff exemplifies the Spirit of NAASF is to ask who’s ever had a terrific time skiing, sharing some laughs, or hitting a dance floor with him, and watch the whole room’s hands shoot up.

blankAs you can see, this guy is one of a kind. If you don’t know him well, I hope that you would open your hearts to his spirit of fun and friendship. He will support you in everything you do. This award means so much to him. Last year was the first time he was nominated, and he won! He has taken such pride in growing his ski and snowboard club from one member to over 142 on the email list. Each month there are new members as well as members who decide to come who haven’t been in years as well as the regulars who come every season. It is such a great mix of people.


I have only been a member of the ski club for five years, but I have met some amazing people and made some lasting friendships. I also look to see who my flight crew is when we travel, hoping to see one of them in the air instead of on the mountain, but that hasn’t happened yet.

This group of people is amazing. Yes, they all talk a lot and you have to interrupt to get your turn, but they are some of the most fun, laid-back, and generous people I know. Everyone gets along and there is no judgment on how you ski or board. Everyone just wants to enjoy the beauty around them and appreciate that they have the skill and physical ability to make it down the mountain.


This week my sweet love will have to give up his trophy to the next Spirit of NAASF award winner. Although we won’t be able to make the ski week, we wish the best of luck to all nominees, and we hope everyone has so much fun!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

I have written a few posts about my husband, My Prince, My Rock, and My Valentine. As you know relationships, especially marriages are not perfect. They take work and communication, and sometimes therapy. But relationships are what make the world go round. They are what makes this life worth living. They are how we learn about love, compromise, and decision-making. Relationships are how we grow and learn throughout our lives. Even though our marriage is not perfect, Jeff and I are dedicated to making it the most adventurous, beautiful ride we can. We believe we need to grow and learn together. We need to support each other on whatever adventures come our way!

us having fun

This Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to tell someone you love how much they mean to you. Whether it’s a spouse, a significant other, a best friend, or just someone who once meant something to you. Take a few moments to send them a message about how much you care.

Valentine’s Day can be lonely for many people. It can make people who are single feel sad because they are alone and don’t have a Valentine. It can make couples feel pressure to go to dinner or spend too much money on roses that are overpriced. It can make people in relationships disappointed if their loved one doesn’t remember the holiday. Whatever this Day means to you, try to remember you don’t need to be sad, lonely, or disappointed. Love is all around you. And the first person you should love is yourself.

Maybe today you take some time to pamper yourself. Maybe you take a nice, hot bubble bath. Maybe you get dressed up and treat yourself to a nice dinner out. Maybe you go to your garden and pick yourself a bouquet of flowers. Maybe you draw or paint a picture. Whatever your passion, do something for yourself.

If you are in a relationship, spend some quality time with your loved one. Turn off the TV. Turn off the phone. Spend some time focusing on each other with no distractions. You don’t need to spend a lot of money or do anything fancy. Maybe play cards or play a game. Maybe read to each other or take a walk in a park. Whatever you do make time for one another.

Maybe today you get together with your friends. Maybe you go see a movie or watch a movie on Netlflix. Maybe you and a friend go for a walk or make dinner together. Maybe you aren’t in the same town so take a moment to FaceTime each other or talk on the phone.

Today, I will be at the top of a mountain in Steamboat Springs with my love and my ski friends. We will enjoy the beauty of this world from high on the hilltop. Even though it will be cold and snowy, we will appreciate the view, and we will thank God that we are physically able to ski down a mountain.

us on the moutain

Whatever you decide to do today, let your heart be filled with love. Love yourself, love your partner, and love this life. We are only here for a little while so enjoy yourself!

Happy Valentine’s Day my friends!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Even though I grew up around the game of golf, I was never much interested in playing the sport. My whole family golfed including the women. I felt like the day was too long, it was too hard, and there wasn’t enough action for me. My grandfather ran a golf tournament all of my life. I got involved in selling candy bars at the tournament when I was in second grade. Then my sister and I became the beer girls and eventually, I ran the thing when he passed away.

Last month, I had a wonderful experience. I went to a networking group in Florida called #LEGS (Ladies Executive Golf Society). It’s all about women meeting women and learning a new skill, golf! My friend, Karen, introduced me to this group, and I felt like I was exactly in the right place at the right time. Tonight, we meet again, and we are learning how to putt before we socialize and learn more about each other. I can’t wait! The last time I went I left feeling excited and hopeful. I hope this organization continues to grow in the Fort Myers area. And I hope I can attend many more of these events!

#LEGS was started for women by women. Its vision is to empower women to try new things, build relationships, foster growth in communities, and have fun! If you think about it, many men develop business relationships and networking connections on the golf course whether they are any good at the sport or not. As women, we don’t always take that step to try something new, especially something as challenging and overwhelming as golf. #LEGS is trying to change that by giving us the confidence to step on the golf course and support other women in the community. Let’s get more women out on the golf course!

Whether you are into golf and whether you work or not, I highly suggest coming to at least one event. The events are posted on the website and occur once a month. Golf is just a tiny piece of what the group is all about and part of the event registration fee goes to a local charity. The one in Fort Myers is called Valerie’s House which is a nonprofit dedicated to helping children on their journey of grief after losing a parent or sibling.

There are #LEGS chapters in six cities in Florida, but the founder is always looking to expand. If you are willing to start a chapter in your area contact Jillian Foss at ladiesexecutivegolfsociety@gmail.com. If you are in the Fort Myers area, please sign up and take a chance at this event. Come meet other women and learn a new skill. There is still time to sign up for tonight’s event at Eastwood Country Club. See you there!

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Merry Christmas my Friends!

I hope you have an amazing Christmas day with friends and family! I didn’t want to leave you out in the cold (:)) without a little winter workout!

This one is done like the 12 days of Christmas. You start with 1. Then do 2 then 1. Then do 3, 2, and 1. Work up until you do 12 all the way down to 1. Here are the moves.

  1. Push-up (knees or toes)
  2. High Knees
  3. Standing abs (each side) reach and pull leg up
  4. Cossack squat (side to side)
  5. Jump Squats
  6. Butt Kicks
  7. Jumping Jacks
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Sumo Squats
  10. Lunges
  11. Squat Pulses
  12. Burpees

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

I am not sure if it was because my grandpa was so involved in sports or if it was in my DNA, but I love being a part of a team. I enjoy camaraderie and fighting for a common goal. The people I have met at different sports camps and along the way will forever have a place in my heart. Sports instilled in me the willingness to work with other people. That has helped me throughout my career as a teacher as well as a caregiver and a wife.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

— Andrew Carnegie

Photo from Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy