Packing…seems to now be the story of my life. Pack for the weekend. Pack for the week. Pack for the summer. Pack for the ski trip. Pack for the beach trip. I left Tuesday, June 14 to go to Virginia to see the family. My mom and I then drove from Virginia to Pennsylvania to play in the annual PNA Golf Tournament. It was a wonderful weekend honoring the memory of my grandparents. I miss them so much.
On Father’s Day, mom dropped me off at the Pittsburgh Airport. I was supposed to fly from Pittsburgh to Baltimore to Fort Myers. I was flying standby, which means I still pay a reduced rate, but I get the very last seat if one is available. I got on the flight to Baltimore. I even had a boarding pass to get on the flight to Fort Myers but she called me up to the desk at the last minute and took it away. Even with my big, brown sad eyes, I couldn’t get a seat. I was so close, and I just wanted to be home.
The gate agent tried to help me with another plan. The rest of the direct flights to Fort Myers were full. She suggested I go through Atlanta or Chicago. I have friends in both cities in case I got stuck so I said either one. Well, the flight was boarding so she sent me a few gates down. The flight was going through La Guardia (NYC) to Chicago (Midway). I had a seat so I went.
When I got to Chicago I asked how the flight looked. The gate agent said it was full. I was number seven in line. Therefore, seven people needed to NOT show up. And sometimes this happens, but very rarely when the flight is full. So, I called my friend, crying, and asked her to come to pick me up. I had been awake since 5:30 am and now it was 8:30 pm my time. I was beyond exhausted and frustrated. I wanted out of the airport.
There was a flight to Fort Myers the next day where I could have bought a ticket but I just couldn’t fathom getting up at 3:30 am. I asked Erin if she would have me for a few days even though I had no clothes of my own except the ones on my body. My suitcase was checked and on its way to Fort Myers (without me). This is when you realize why it’s important to make sure your toothbrush, a pair of underwear, and a change of clothes are in your carry-on!
Needless to say, I went to Erin’s. We chatted and made plans for the next few days. Jeff and I were supposed to fly to Chicago on Tuesday anyway to visit them for a few days. I told My Prince that I would just stay in Chicago and wait for him. I couldn’t spend one more day at the airport.
It worked out wonderfully. Erin and I got to spend some time together. We worked out, went shopping, and had a bellini at Restoration Hardware! Monday night, Jeff and I used the Facetime app so he could pack my suitcase for Cabo. It is hard to remember everything when you aren’t in the house to pack but he did a wonderful job. Finally, Tuesday afternoon, Jeff arrived in Chicago.
That day and evening, we had a great time having conversations together with Erin and her husband. We spent Wednesday together and helped Erin design her new patio. Thursday we hopped on another plane and flew to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for Jeff’s cousin’s 50th birthday. We have been to Cabo together and just loved it. We couldn’t wait to spend a few days just relaxing in Mexico.
After getting bumped several times on the previous Sunday, Jeff and I decided to buy tickets back from Cabo. We originally were planning on flying standby but we found affordable tickets leaving Cabo Sunday and going back to Chicago for 12 hours. We would then get into Fort Myers on Monday. Erin said she would love to have us again so we went back to her house for the night.
Monday, June 27 (my best friend‘s birthday!), we made it home safely. We literally had 36 hours to unpack, do laundry, bring outdoor furniture inside, and repack for our next adventure which includes, Atlanta, Richmond, Lake Anna, Honolulu, Maui, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania (for the next three months). Needless to say, I am a bit overwhelmed!
Although I continue to love the view from the plane and my life as a pilot’s wife I am beginning to wonder if we just need to get a dog so we have some excuse to stay home because clearly, we don’t know how to do that since we lost Sweet Gram.
Featured Photo by Surface on Unsplash