
Travel Junkie


We left northwest PA just in time. My husband had a trip and returned home Saturday morning. The weather was a mix of sleet and snow when I picked him up. The roads were still too warm for anything to stick but I could smell it. Snow was coming. It was time to pack up and head south.

Usually, we get to Pennsylvania in June. This year, we went to Virginia for six weeks to spend time with the kids so we didn’t get settled in PA until the middle of August. By the time we got there, everyone was going back to work and summer was pretty much over.

It went so fast, and we couldn’t believe it. It seemed like we just didn’t have enough time to enjoy the area. It is truly so beautiful in the summer. The days are long, the weather is beautiful, the creeks are made for kayaks, and the back windy roads are made for motorcycles. Because we were so late getting to PA this year we decided to stay at Gram’s House a bit longer. We got to enjoy the full beauty of fall. The leaves were beautiful reds, greens, and yellows. Then, of course, we had the chore of raking them all up, too! Although we could have left a few weeks ago, Jeff had a few more trips, so we decided to stay.

A few weeks ago, it rained and rained. I escaped for about four days with a friend to Florida for some sunshine. We came back for the weekend and then Jeff had another trip. I spent the week trying to get things packed up and the house cleaned. Finally, it was time to go.

It’s always sad to leave wherever we are. We have such amazing friends and even though we are never home, we never want to leave.

I saw in the forecast that snow was coming. It was cold. It was getting dry. The heat was on. I picked up Jeff in that sleet, and we both decided it was time to go.

We had one last fun night out with some friends. The next day we woke up and to our surprise, no snow was falling down. We shut down the house, packed up the Jeep, and got on the road. The weather was cold, but no rain and no snow.

A few hours later, we got a couple of texts from our friends.  One of them said, “I’m glad you got out of town when you did. This sucks!” Then we got a few pictures from our friend Meghan. Although my husband was relieved we didn’t have to leave town in a snowstorm, I thought it was beautiful, and I was a little sad that we missed it.

It’s always nice to be in the snow when you know you get to go back to the sunshine and warmth. I am ready for the sun, the boat, the beach, and the beautiful paradise of southwest Florida. But I did feel a bit of sadness about missing the first real snowfall of the season in northwest Pennsylvania.

Driving from Florida to Pennsylvania or from Pennsylvania to Florida is one of my favorite things to do. We take our time and drive a few hours a day. It takes us four or five days but we stop along the way and see amazing family and friends who are en route. So although it’s sad to leave one place when it’s time to go, it’s a great adventure getting to the other.

Picture of woods by @momma_d.3

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy


Last week, my friend, Alison, and I went to Florida for four days to get out of the rain and cold and get into the Florida sunshine. We found roundtrip tickets from Pittsburgh to Fort Myers on Spirit. I have written before about how much I love Spirit and how if you buy your tickets at the airport counter you save up to $23.99 each way. I am not saying wait until the last minute and get your tickets. I am telling you if you know the dates you want to fly and are at the airport then go to the Spirit counter and buy!

It’s amazing how much weather can impact my mood. The week before we left Pennsylvania, it was cold and rainy. It seemed like it was never going to stop raining. Finally, it did but it was still cold. The sky was gray and my mood was down. Jeff was working, and I wasn’t motivated to go to the gym at all. It was too cold to go out of the house! Even though we only had a few weeks left in PA I was really glad Alison talked me into going to Florida for a few days. I couldn’t wait!

sunshine boatAlison and I went to Florida with no plans and no agenda except to get our boat home from storage. Our goal was to enjoy the sunshine, sit by the pool, and maybe go to the beach. I also wanted to work out and eat well.

We arrived late Sunday night and just went to bed. The next day we got up early, did a good workout in the garage, and got ready to go. Two of my husband’s friends were coming over to help us bring the boat home from storage. Because my husband always drives the boat, I wasn’t comfortable bringing it home by myself. I was glad we had some reinforcements. It was early in the morning and the Florida humidity was down so for us girls, it was a bit chilly! But the sunshine was out and it felt wonderful on our faces.

The guys made me drive the boat all the way home. I did a decent job although I did find myself out of the channel twice and in very low water. Oops! I need to get better at watching those channel markers! I got it all the way home but needed help docking it on our lift. Anyway, I definitely need more practice but I am usually having too much fun on the boat to drive. Plus, it is a center console and you can’t get much sunshine under the cover. So, usually, my Prince drives us around.

We made it to the gym every morning and had coffee by the pool. We saw some of the most beautiful sunrises (see featured image above). One of the days, we decided to head downtown. I showed Alison around Fort Myers, and we stopped by a few different bars/restaurants. Soon our afternoon was gone. I told Alison how Gramps always took us to a homemade ice cream shop called the Love Boat. We decided we had to go. So much for eating well 🙂

The next day we decided to go to the beach. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot or humid with a slight breeze. We found a little spot in between two restaurants. We had our chairs, our cooler, and the sunshine. It was a perfect beach day. It wasn’t overly crowded but it seems the snowbirds are coming back to Florida earlier and earlier and staying later and later every year.

sunshine beach

That evening we met another one of my great friends (who was once Jeff’s wingman ) for dinner at a new restaurant in town called Oxbow. The restaurant is right on the river. We sat outside so we could enjoy the sunset and the water. The atmosphere was wonderful. The food was ok. I definitely would go back but hopefully, the next dish is more delightful. The three of us had such a great night talking, laughing, and being outside.

sunshine dinner

Later that night, Alison and I sat outside. We knew we were going home to snow flurries so we wanted to enjoy the outside as much as possible. We lit our little gas fireplace and talked the night away.

But soon it was time to go. I hope I always appreciate the sunshine of Florida even though we live there most of the year. It makes me happy to wake up to the rays coming through the window. It lifts my spirits. Even if you can only go somewhere for a few days, take the opportunity to relax and get some sunshine on your face. It does wonders for the soul.

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy


For the past three years, Gram, Jeff, and I have spent winters in our Florida home and summers at Gram’s House in Pennsylvania. We lost Gram in February and life just hasn’t been the same. I have felt lost and sad without her. It really hasn’t gotten any easier. I still miss her face and her smile. But it seems since she has been gone we are never home.

home gram in chair

Even though we have always traveled with Gram, there were some trips Gram couldn’t do. So she and I would have some downtime at home. We would sit by the pool or the fire and watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. But since she has been gone, I have had more freedom to go and now we are never home. I am not sure if this summer is going to be our new “normal” but it has definitely been a whirlwind.

Since Jeff and I left Florida in June we have been going nonstop. It is one of the benefits of being a pilot’s wife. He can work from anywhere, and we have some travel benefits. We decided each summer we can try a different area for a month or so. This past summer we decided on Virginia. Over that six weeks, we had many adventures with the kids and created some wonderful memories. But we didn’t get “home” until mid-August.

home kids at zoo

We left Virginia and headed to West Virginia for Jeff’s uncle’s memorial service. Although the circumstances were sad, it was nice to see his extended family and for me to meet more of his family. The first weekend we were home in PA the family came up for my mom’s surprise 70th birthday party, then Jeff had training in Kentucky so we spent a week there with friends. Then it was September, and we were off to Virginia for my niece’s birthday. On the way home, we flew to Texas to get Jeff’s mom and spent a few days in West Virginia again with his family. We met friends in Pittsburgh on the way home and went to a Pirates game. For the first few weeks, we were never home.

jeff's mom and kids

The next weekend we met up with friends from Chicago that were in the area and had a nice bike ride through the country roads before we drove back to Pittsburgh and flew to our Florida home to check on the house, run the boat, and have dinner with a few of our Florida friends.

home florida

On the way home, we met some of Jeff’s high school friends in Pittsburgh and had a great time catching up with them. I thought we were going home but that weekend we drove to Columbus for the Ohio State game. Again, never home. They won which means I am allowed to go back for another game. It was Grandpa’s rule that if you went to a Steeler game, and they lost you weren’t allowed to go back. Jeff seems to have the same rule!

home osu

The next weekend we were actually in our small town. We had a campfire in our backyard then went on a wine walk the next day. It was so nice to be around friends and enjoy the area in which we live. The next week my mom came up, and we drove up to Buffalo and the Falls. It really is amazing how many different areas we can get to within a few hours of our summer home.

home casino

The next thing I knew it was October, and I felt like I was never home. We seemed to have missed the summer in PA. Now it was time to head to Nashville for the Spartan race. It was such an amazing weekend with the girls, and I loved the Spartan race. I can’t wait to do it again! From there I went to meet my mom and the rest of the family in the Outer Banks, and Jeff was off to work. It was a beautiful few days at the beach with the kids. They love fishing and playing in the waves. It’s amazing how fearless they are of the water. My brother-in-law caught a shark, and they thought it was the coolest thing.

home shark

Sunday we went to the Steelers/Broncos game in Pittsburgh. Again, we met up with Jeff’s high school buddies. We had another fun night although it made me miss my grandparents so much. They loved going to the Steelers’ games and had season tickets for years. We also made it to a Browns/Broncos game in Cleveland a few weeks later where we met up with friends and family. The first time I rooted against the Broncos then I had to cheer for them against the Browns. But they lost and our friend, SuperFan, was in his glory for beating them.

home broncos

The next weekend was a friends’ weekend and we were finally home! We met up with a couple of girls that I went to college with on Friday. Although I hadn’t seen them in a few years, we picked right up where we left off. The next day we went to my friend’s annual pumpkin party. There, we were surrounded by friends I have known since elementary school and a huge bonfire. One of the perks of living in the country. Again, it was so nice being around people I have known forever. That Sunday our friends from the gym invited us over for brunch. We ate a delicious meal and then played Sequence with her daughters and their boyfriends. It was the old fogies against the young bucks and of course, the young bucks won. But it was a wonderful Sunday afternoon and really fun to play a board game with friends.

home fire

We have been in our summer home for 10 weeks although it feels like 10 days because we are never home. Yes, our life seems crazy at times but sitting around doing nothing is not our thing. People ask us how we keep track of where we are going and the Google shared calendar is the only way we survive. We share Jeff’s work schedule, our crazy life schedule, and my social schedule when Jeff is gone. If we didn’t have our calendars, we wouldn’t know what to do.

It’s hard to believe we only have about three weeks left in our “summer” home. The weather is starting to change getting colder and wetter. Although it is absolutely beautiful, it’s about time to go south.

home fall

It makes me sad to think about leaving. We love the people in northwest PA and our time here. It seems wherever we are I never want to leave. And maybe because wherever we are, we are never “home”. I always want more time. I didn’t want to leave Florida for the summer. I didn’t want to leave Virginia after our six weeks there. I don’t want to leave Pennsylvania for the winter. I guess that makes us lucky that we have such beautiful, amazing friends and family wherever we are that it always feels like “home”. Mostly, I just wish I could be in three places at the same time!

The featured and fall images were taken by my friend and an amazing photographer. Follow her @momma_d.3

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Many people, whether they are single or in a relationship love watching movies, television series, and Netflix. And maybe it’s because Jeff and I barely sit still for one minute let alone for an hour or two to watch TV, but the first thing we do when we walk in the house is turn on the music. In Florida, we use our phones to turn on our Sonos system. In Pennsylvania, we either turn on the Sonos Move that we bring with us or Gramps‘ Bose radio. Either way, music is on ALL THE TIME.

I was trying to think of something to blog about, and I thought why not talk about music. I can learn about your favorite songs and maybe you can listen to a few of mine. I love discovering new music so I hope to hear from many of you about some new (or old) artists that I may not know about and may soon love, too.

My Favorite Music as a Child

I was born in 1976. My parents loved music as well and had it on throughout the weekends. We had a stereo and a record player. In my dad’s Bronco, we also had an 8 track player! Some of you youngsters may have to Google all of that 🙂 but we had a good collection of music. We joined BMG records and would get 12 records or audiocassettes and later CD’s for the price of one. It was the best way to get new music delivered right to your doorstep.

My childhood was filled with the sweet sounds of bands like the Eagles, Michael Jackson, Prince, Kenny Rogers, and Credence Clearwater Revival to name a few. My mom loved Air Supply and REO Speedwagon, and I flash right back to my childhood when I hear any of the above artists. One evening at Gram’s House, we were listening to Brown Eyed Girl on the tape player. My sister and I must have hit play and rewind 100 times trying to learn all the words as my parents would sign along and tell us what was coming up.

My First CD

As I got a little older, the music industry came out with CDs. My first CD was the Boomerang Soundtrack. I had a collection of over 100 CDs by the time I went to college (which got stolen from my car BTW). I had everything from Garth Brooks to Shai to Sophie B. Hawkins to Janet Jackson.

My Favorite Song to Sing with my Best Friend

I have had the same best friend since 7th grade. We played softball and basketball together and developed an everlasting friendship to this day. She was a year younger than me and she won’t let me forget it now! But we would ride around the country roads of our town and learn the words to various songs. Our most favorite that we still send pictures of when it’s playing on Sirius XM is Stay by Lisa Loeb. We still know every word because we kept hitting rewind and signing each line until we KNEW every word. We also love Sophie B. Hawkins and the song Did We Not Choose Each Other. Of course, we also rode all over Edinboro with my portable CD player blasting Janet Jackson’s Janet CD. Other high school memories include our softball team being on the bus with the baseball team and every few weeks after a good win we would all sing Friends in Low Places on the way home. I also loved The Jets Got a Crush on You. And my high school girlfriends will still play it for me when we go out together.

My Favorite Song to Sing

If you know me or have been reading this blog for a while then you know my favorite song to sing after a few beers is Dreams by Van Halen. Jeff’s mom had the pleasure of listening to me sing a few weeks ago. Although she laughed and laughed, I am afraid I may have scared her away. Hopefully she comes back for another performance very soon.

My Favorite Artist to Sing that Sounds a Liiiiiitttttttllle Better than Sammy But Not Much

My roommate from college brought a double-disc live CD back from a concert she went to one summer. The artist was Ani Difranco and it was her Living In Clip CD. Ani opened for Bob Dylan that summer of 97 in Boston. Once D brought her into our lives, we couldn’t stop listening to her. We listened to those two CDs over and over again. I can still turn on almost any Ani song and know the words. I love Gravel, Little Plastic Castles, Angry Anymore. Shameless and Buildings and Bridges. My husband says I sound much better singing any Ani song rather than any Van Halen song. So I am going with it.

Other CDs that I wore out in college were TLC’s CrazySexyCool, Sheryl Crow’s Tuesday Night Music Club, and Dave Matthews Band Before These Crowded Streets. Our favorite concert to go to in college was DMB. So much fun!

Music When You are in Love

I believe these songs change over time as you and your partner grow into different stages of your relationship and one song may work for one relationship but if that relationship ends another song fills the void when a new partner is found. Jeff and I love making playlists on Spotify and some of our favorite songs from the beginning of our relationship until now are Written in the Sand, Happens Like That, What Ifs, Unforgettable, Meant to Be, Whole Lot in Love, The Bones, More, and Made For You. We started a playlist when we started dating and made it collaborative so we could add to it as time went on. It’s still one of my favorites. If you don’t have Spotify, you should check it out. For $10-15 a month you can listen to almost any full album by any artist new or old. You can also make and share playlists.

When You Need a Good Cry

This song Show Me Around brings tears to my eyes. It really hit me after Gram passed but it makes me think of my dad, sister, and grandpa as well. If you have lost someone this song can bring you some hope even though it will make you a bit sad, too. Drink a Beer, Watch Over You, and I Will Not Say Goodbye are a few more to put on when you are missing your person.

When You Hang out with Your Girlfriends

My sister and I loved listening to music, too. So many songs and CDs make me think of her. A few of our favorites were The Wreckers, Dixie Chicks, Taylor Swift, Luke Bryan, and Indigo Girls. Whenever I hear an older song from one of these artists, I instantly go back to the moment with my sister. One of our favorite songs, when we were tired of a relationship and needed to be strong and move on, was Fergie’s Big Girls Don’t Cry. We used to love driving around to this song with the top-down on my VW EOS signing at the top of our lungs.

So whatever mood you are in, check out a few of these songs. Also, please comment or email me a few of your favorites! I love listening to all kinds of music, especially new artists. Oh btw, three more artists to check out on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, or ApplePlay are O.A.R, Diamond Dixie, and Amber Patino. Enjoy!!

Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Hello loyal followers,

This past year has shown me how beautiful life is. Although there have been many ups and downs, I continue to give thanks for being so blessed. With that being said, I am trying to make some changes. I am trying to simplify my life, which means simplifying my social media and this blog. I love doing this blog, but for a few months, I felt it was taking time away from my husband and my family. I started this blog to share stories of my Adventures with Gram, and to have something to do when my husband left for work. When I lost Gram, I felt like my inspiration was gone. I wasn’t sure what else to write about. She wasn’t there to make me smile or laugh with her little comments. She wasn’t there by my side when my husband was away, and I missed her. Plus, I didn’t think you wanted to hear about our loss over and over again, and honestly, I wasn’t sure what else to write about.

changes gram, stacy and jeff

At this point, I realize I do have many more stories to tell. I have stories about Gram, about caregiving for her, about my travels, and about my journey in love. I want to continue to write, and I hope you will continue to read. My Adventures with Gram, Travel excursions and Family stories will be posted here. I am hoping to get back to a weekly basis, but they will be posted when inspiration finds me 🙂 I LOVE doing the daily inspirations and hope that they inspire you, too. I will also continue with the Weekly Wednesday Workouts. Every now and again I may post a full video here or on Instagram TV but for the most part, I  will show you the moves and give you the workout. Please let me know if you need suggestions or modifications.

I am going to try to do more on linked social media and Instagram. Follow me @strong_inspired on Instagram. I will be posting recipes and stories as things come up. Some workouts will also be published on IGTV. Of course, you can always go back and do your favorite workout or find a special recipe on the blog.

I hope you enjoy these changes. If you have any feedback, please email or message me. And please follow me on Facebook and Instagram and share with your friends and family!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

If you have been following me since the beginning of the blog (August 2020), then you know I left for an amazing adventure in the fall of 2015. I have written about Germany, Finland, and Sweden. Now on to the next leg of my trip. The Netherlands.

I hugged Marja goodbye and boarded the plane in Helsinki and was off to my next stop. I was now headed to the Netherlands to visit my friend Susana, with whom I graduated and who was a foreign exchange student from Spain. Susana, her husband, and her two adorable children were right there waiting for me in Amsterdam.

We had dinner at the airport and then headed back to their house. They lived about an hour from the airport in a cute little townhouse. Although it had been 21 years since we had seen each other, Susana and I stayed up talking for hours just like no time had passed!  The next day we went to pick up a friend of mine from Richmond who was meeting us there. Susana showed us all around Amsterdam. The three of us had an amazing day. We tried not to get run over by all the passing bicycles (which is extremely difficult) because the bikers are everywhere!! The bicycle parking by the train stations is just insane and was something I couldn’t even believe. It also made me realize what a wonderful place Amsterdam was that people enjoyed being outside and riding their bikes everywhere.

holland bikes

We ate some wonderful food at open-air restaurants, saw the Amsterdam sign, the oldest wooden house in Amsterdam, and some infamous “coffee shops”. (For more pictures, click here.) It was such a fun day. We had many laughs and just relaxed as we toured around the city. We weren’t on a time schedule, and we all enjoyed each other’s company. Susana was a great tour guide! It was nice to have someone show us around. We took the train home, and I remember just feeling happy and content. I was so blessed to be on this adventure. I was so blessed for my new friend and my old friend to hit it off so well. I was so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

The next day, Susana and her family showed us around Utrecht. It was about halfway to the airport, and she helped us get on the train after our exploring. Utrecht was also an amazing little city. I loved all the canals of the Netherlands. I believe Americans first think of the Red Light District or the coffee shops in Amsterdam, but I am not sure we truly understand the beauty of Amsterdam unless we go there. The canals are amazing. The bridges are fantastic. It is so much more.

Although we only had three days in the Netherlands, it was enough to get a little taste of it, but I also knew there was so much more to explore, and I couldn’t wait to return one day. Little did I know then that I would get to be the tour guide for my husband three years later.

After we hugged Susana and her family goodbye, my friend, Erin and I were off on our next adventure. Italy!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy


Marja’s Perspective

Would you let a stranger from the other side of the globe move into your house and promise to treat them as family? Put that way it sounds crazy! Maybe you’d be more likely to answer “yes” if asked, could you see having an exchange student living with you as a possibility?

marjaHowever, that’s what it was. At 17 years old, I hopped on a plane and after four flights landed in Northwestern Pennsylvania, as now a new member of Stacy’s family. From her family’s perspective, they drove to the airport as a family and drove back home with a new addition whom they knew very little about.

When Stacy asked me to write for her blog, I immediately had an idea of what I wanted to share. I wanted to tell the world how much we can all gain by opening our hearts and lives to other people. This is also a story of how being real and present in a moment means a billion times more than big gestures.

Stepping into Stacy’s family’s home over twenty years ago for the first time, I was nervous. Everything was new and many things were different from home. However, I soon discovered many things that were the same as in my home in Finland. They were a family who all cared deeply for each other, helped, hugged, laughed, and, like myself,  loved basketball.

The latter helped to get me a good start. I recall being anxious about meeting Grandpa and Grandma (Gram) for the first time. During one of the first visits to their home, everyone else was in the kitchen, and I was left in the living room with Grandpa. As a teenager, I wasn’t sure how to start a conversation with him, but in a few seconds, all my insecurity faded because I realized he loved basketball as much as I did! During that year, in Northwestern Pennsylvania, I spent quite a few Sundays at Stacy’s grandparents’ place. Besides Gram’s delicious meatball sauce, moments with grandpa were the highlight of those Sundays. I loved hearing the passion in his voice when he talked about basketball.

marja with famDuring the year, I was treated with many amazing experiences: a visit to Los Angeles to see Stacy, a trip to Niagara Falls, and many others. I’m grateful for all those possibilities! However, the memories that I still remember the best aren’t those. By far, the most precious memories are little glimpses of daily life. Coming home from practice, having Stacy’s dad at home, watching him make dinner, and telling him how the day had gone. Sitting in the back seat on our way to the grocery store and listening to Stacy’s parents talk about all the “ordinary things”. Riding in the red truck with Stacy’s sister. Other memories of my year included Stacy’s family cheering for me at the games, going to football games together, getting ice cream together, and playing Trivial Pursuit.

2020 is actually a great year to talk about this. I love traveling and going to events, but not being able to do that right now isn’t the end of the world. After 20 years, I do remember going to a concert in Pittsburgh with Stacy’s family and going to Six Flags. But when I think back to the afternoons with Stacy’s parents taking me shopping or grandpa telling me about coaching, those are the memories that even now bring back strong emotions and touch me.

Stacy’s family is different from my own family in many ways, but that year taught me that being different doesn’t matter if you’re able to keep an open mind and are willing to listen and show kindness to each other.

Having an ocean between us means we don’t see each other very often, but every time we do, I’m humbled by being welcomed back as a family member.

I try to remember these lessons in my daily life and pass them onto my child. I try to cherish the little things and be present in the moment. I do my best to set an example by keeping an open mind and open heart, and by showing kindness and caring for people who are not close to me.

The Other Side by Stacy’s Mom

Have you ever thought about having a stranger come live with you for a year? Well, that is exactly what my husband and I did in 1998. One of our friends worked at our local high school and asked us if we would want to host a foreign exchange student. We weren’t sure because both of our girls had already graduated, but the exchange student was from Finland, a good student, and a basketball player.  My daughters thought it would be fun since they played basketball and their grandfather used to coach basketball. After a couple of months of paperwork and planning, the four of us drove to the airport to pick up our new family member.

Marja was blonde, just like our girls, so she fit right in. She spoke English relatively well though there were a few phrases she didn’t quite understand. She was tall and looked athletic. We were excited to see how the school year would go and couldn’t wait to see her play. My father was pretty excited as well because he now had someone else to watch play basketball since my girls had graduated.

My daughters welcomed her with open arms. Stacy lived with my parents (Gram and Gramps) just down the street while she was doing her student teaching. My younger daughter lived at home for a few weeks and then got an apartment off-campus. Marja was excited to hear about the college experience from both girls.

marja stacy and sisterIt was a very eventful year. The girls took a beautiful picture and framed it for my husband and me for our 25th Wedding anniversary. Our local school basketball team did very well and even made the playoffs that year. Marja was a big part of that team and its success. She was tall and had a great three-point shot. We all really enjoyed watching her play.

In January, Stacy moved to California. We loaded up a U-haul in a snowstorm and Stacy, her dad, and her sister drove cross country and unloaded in the sunshine. Marja and I stayed home and bonded while the others were gone.  We talked about the similarities and differences between the United States and Finland. We had many nights to get to know each other and each other’s families.

marja gram and grampsMarja had the chance to go to California that spring with my parents to visit Stacy. She showed them all the sites of Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and San Bernardino. I am glad Marja had the opportunity to see more of the United States than just Northwestern Pennsylvania. Because we live within a couple of hours of Pittsburgh and Niagara Falls, we took her on a few day trips. We also went on the Canadian side of the Falls because Americans did not need passports to enter Canada at that time and, of course, Marja had hers so she was good to go.

Although we were a little apprehensive of getting a foreign exchange student in the beginning, it turned out to be a wonderful experience! We grew to love Marja like our own. To this day, we keep in touch and she, her fiance, and son come to visit as often as they can. They are truly fantastic people, and we are thankful that we got to know and love Marja. And although I have no desire to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, like Stacy did as you read in “Visiting Helsinki and Stockholm”, I wish I could see Marja’s hometown, meet her parents, and thank them for raising a wonderful young lady.

About the Guest Authors

Marja is a wonderful mother, daughter, educator, and friend. She become a part of Stacy’s family in 1998 when she became an exchange student from Finland into Stacy’s family in Northwest Pennsylvania. She is an athletic, free spirit who is a role model to the students she teaches, her own son, and those around her.

Stacy’s mom has got it going on 🙂 She raised two crazy girls and then took on the responsibility of a third. She was always supportive of all three women and is to this day. Although she isn’t as adventurous as they are, she enjoys hearing their stories and seeing their pictures. She also enjoys taking care of her grandchildren, going golfing, and always looks forward to her annual trip to Las Vegas with her cousins. 

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy

Although I have never seen it, there is a movie called “Yes Man” starring Jim Carrey (2008). There have been a few people over the years who have made reference to it saying I was a Yes Woman just like Carl in the movie because I would always say Yes. Anyone who knows me, knows I have a hard time saying no, and I do not like missing out on things. Therefore, I say Yes to almost everything. Because I have said Yes to weddings, birthdays, and family occasions, I have seen beautiful parts of the United States and the world. I must say I have really enjoyed most of the experiences, and I am glad I am a Yes Woman!

I’ve always loved traveling. Being a teacher allowed me to have a lot of time off, but not necessarily a lot of money to do the traveling. So, I chose to give up a lot of  “stuff” that way I could say Yes to the next big trip. If traveling is your passion, then you do what you have to do to make it happen.

Antigua Beach front

Because I am a Yes Woman, I have had amazing road trips across the United States and beautiful Mexican, European and Caribbean vacations for which I am so grateful. As you read this blog, you will see many fun Adventures with Gram and some great trips without her.

Being a Yes Woman sometimes can get you in trouble. At times saying Yes can be overwhelming, tiring, and stressful, I am learning that I don’t have to say Yes to everything. I am learning to value my time and to evaluate opportunities before saying Yes. I am learning to say no and to have time to recover and relax. I am getting better at it 🙂 Although it is overwhelming, tiring, and exhausting, saying Yes to becoming Gram’s caregiver has been one of the most inspiring and amazing experiences I have had.

blankBeing a caregiver has thrown a curve ball into my traveling game, but I do what I have to do to continue to make it happen. I am also beyond blessed that I found a Yes Man who loves traveling and loves Gram as much as I do. One of the best things I have said Yes to was to his proposal made to me in Chicago on his 50th birthday. So far, we have been to six countries and 15 states together. Whatever arrangements need to be made to continue our adventures, we make them. As caregivers, we know in order to be the best caregivers,  it is extremely important to take care of ourselves first. We know that getting a break makes all the difference in the world.

Over the past few years, I have learned that life changes on a dime so make the best of every day. The thing is,  life is short and we only get one shot. Take the time off and take that trip with your friends or loved ones. Having and making memories is so much better than having “stuff”. So, take a chance and be a Yes WoMan!

Stay Strong & Be Inspired, Stacy