Today is Gram’s 96th Birthday!
Can you even imagine having 96 birthdays? I really can’t, but every year I look forward to celebrating Gram’s. Since I have been taking care of her as you read in “How Did I Get Here“, we have had some good times on her birthday. One of the best things about being back in my home town is being with friends I have had since Kindergarten. They have known Gram almost as long as I have, and they love her just as much.
In 2016, my friends, Karlee and Kylee, went with Gram and me to a restaurant called The Frog Pond. It’s a great little place with a lake and beautiful sunsets.
In 2017, my high school girlfriends met us at Venango Valley Inn and Golf Course, one of Gram’s most favorite places to go. The owners have known my grandparents for years and are always the sweetest people, especially when Gram opens the kitchen door because she wants to say hi!
For Gram’s 94th Birthday, we had dinner again at Venango Valley Inn and Golf Course. My friends from high school,
their husbands, a family friend, and one of Gram’s friends from Bingo attended. We had a wonderful dinner then we decided to take Gram to the local VFW. After she said hi to one of her favorite men (a former player of my grandpa’s), we got her some rip off tickets and a mini beer. She won $75 and had the best time! So did we 🙂
In 2019, Gram turned 95. We decided to have a little party for her at Venango Valley Inn and Golf Course. Some of my grandpa’s ex-basketball players came as well as my friends from high school and from the gym. My mom and Gram’s niece also were able to attend. Gram loved seeing everyone and talked about the party for days.
Needless to say, Gram is a trooper. She goes along with whatever we have planned. She smiles, she laughs, she cries when she sees people she hasn’t seen in a while. She really can light up a room. One of the fun questions we ask Gram is “How old are you?” Her answers range from 21 to 200 depending on how she is feeling that day. But most days she is pretty close because she usually says she feels like she’s 100. Not yet Gram, but FOUR more years!
Gram has qualified for Hospice care twice in the past five years. Once after she broke her hip in 2017 and once in January 2020 when she was very ill. We continue to use the support of Hospice Care and cannot say enough wonderful things about them. They are supportive of my husband and me as the caregivers and available whenever we have a question about Gram. Recently, Heartland Hospice worked very hard to get us oxygen when Gram’s congestive heart failure was making it hard for her to breathe. Both Hope Hospice of Fort Myers, FL and Heartland Hospice of Erie, PA have been absolutely amazing.
Today, we are hosting a small celebration for Gram’s birthday at our home in Pennsylvania. Because we take her everywhere, all of our friends know her and love her. If you would like to celebrate Gram, please do so by making a donation to Hospice using the donation button below. We will also send you an Inspired and Strong face mask for your generosity so please include your address!
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Happy birthday to Momma Haluch!
Happy Birthday Gram ❣️🎉
My Dearest Mrs.Haluch,
Sending our love and kisses.
You and Coach Haluch will always be special to the Ford Family.
We have had so many good times with you at the Alliance Reunions,and our trips to the casino in Erie, the Pirates games, visits in Florida and so many more.
Happy Birthday
God bless
Sent with much love and devotion.
The Fords
Phil, Bobby, MB
Wish we could be there with you.