Happy Birthday, Mama! Can’t wait to celebrate together! I incorporated 8/11 and 70 for the reps and time today. I am not sure my mom is thrilled about this workout but if you want something quick to do with a good amount of reps, this workout is for you!
Equipment Needed
- none
Weekly Wednesday Workout
In today’s workout, you will have 11 minutes to do 70 reps of 8 different movements. You will need to do these moves quickly to get them all done within the time limit. So get a timer, a mat, and get moving!
- 70 jumping jacks or jump rope
- 70 squats
- 70 mountain climbers
- 70 crunches or abs of your choice
- 70 lunges
- 70 high knees
- 70 sumo squats
- 70 standing abs (35 each side)
Repeat if you have time left. You can always modify by doing two rounds of 35 reps of each movement.
How to Do the Moves
For the video of movements click here. Remember there are always modifications. Let me know if you need help or suggestions. Don’t forget the warm-up. Make this workout work for you!
1 Comment
Good luck Stacy’s mom – and Happy Birthday.